Swift solutions, rich taste and nutrition intact

Food is one of the easiest ways to be more sustainable

Patrizia, @getthosegreens

Healthy guru

A fundamental question shapes Patrizia's approach to health decisions: "In which direction are your current habits currently steering your life?" It serves as a compass, guiding her toward healthier choices and fostering accountability within themselves.

Step into a world where sustainability intertwines with the joy of flavorful cuisine, guided by someone who believes in the power of small changes.

How did you begin your journey to becoming a guru of healthy recipes?

Hahaha I’m not sure I’d call myself a “guru” of healthy recipes, but I guess it all started some years ago when I started sharing the recipes my mum used to make me. I was really curious and started cooking with her - and ended up cooking for her!

How do you organize your schedule, balancing your dedication to cooking with your everyday job as a lawyer?

I absolutely love using all kinds of planners and staying organized (I’m a little bit of a control freak). I like to schedule appointments, gym sessions, meetings… However, I try not to stress out if anything doesn’t go as planned and adapt to any change of plans.

Is it possible for cooking to be more sustainable? Can you share some tips on how to make it happen?

Of course! I think food is one of the easiest ways to be more sustainable, and definitely one in which all of us can work on. Some examples would be using vegetable parts you normally would throw away - for example, I love using broccoli and cauliflower stems when making soups-, eating seasonal, planning your meals - which allows you to throw away much less food, and even to save money since you only buy what you need-, and reusing the tubs, containers and jars for extra storage.

What are your values when it comes to healthy habits and sustainable choices?

I like to ask myself the following question when I’m faced with any decision that is health-related: “In which direction are your current habits currently steering your life?”. It helps me stay accountable with myself and take the best decisions!

What do you think is your remarkable yet modest contribution in this fast-paced world of fast food and rapid living?

I like to think that through my recipes I try to give quick solutions for people that don’t have that much time to cook but still want to eat healthy and feel their best. You don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen to eat something that is both nutritious and delicious - even with little time, you can eat food that tastes good and makes you feel great.

Could you share some tips for keeping up with a self-care routine in life?

Schedule in some “me time” on a daily basis - take some time to do something you enjoy and to take care of yourself, such as some kind of exercise you enjoy, journaling, cooking… schedule it and treat it with the same importance as you would if it was an appointment with your boss.

Craft the Christmas you truly believe in

How could you improve this year to make it more similar to the Christmas you truly believe in?

More quality family time, not over committing yourself. If there is something you are not in the mood of doing, don’t feel bad for declining it.

Name 3 things you would give up for Christmas and 1 thing you would keep

I would keep the Christmas tree and decorations, although I could give up on the traditions of overspending, eating so much you could explode, and the sense of obligation to make plans!


Here's my favorite recipe, or at least the one I make the most, without a doubt; and it's super simple:


1egg and 1 egg white

11/2 tablespoons oat flour

A handful of Spinach

Olive oil, salt and pepper to taste


1. In a blender, combine 1 egg, 1 egg white, oat flour, a handful of spinach, a pinch of salt, and a dash of pepper.

2. Blend the ingredients until you get a smooth batter consistency.

3. Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat and lightly grease it with oil.

4. Cook for 2-3 minutes until the edges start to crisp up and the bottom is golden brown.

5. Fill the crepe with your preferred ingredients; suggested fillings include smoked salmon and avocado or sautéed vegetables.

Patrizia's favorite products

She tells us our Hand Sanitizers have the perfect shape and size. And they smell heavenly!